The Third Live Oak Trail
Tallahassee’s largest and oldest living residents are the cause for celebration
By Donna Meredith READ MORE
Is a program by the Tallahassee Garden Club. This page has a map of the trail, tree photos, and links to a number of documents, including a coloring page for children and facts about live oaks. This is a permanent place for people to find materials on trees and their nature.
The beautiful and glorious trees of Leon County define our sense of place. We identify strongly with our trees, and the majesty, beauty and history of our trees is felt by local inhabitants and visitors alike.
Planting native tree species is no different than planting exotics. Consider first, the time of year the tree is to be planted. Trees bought from nursery in containers can be planted any time. Trees that are balled-and-burlapped can be planted in winter and spring. If you are moving a tree and it has bare-roots exposed, it should be planted only in the spring.
Contact Us if you would like to receive more information on the Garden Club and our activities, or if you want to join our club. We have over 600 members and many activities for women and men of all ages.
YouTube Video on the Live Oak Trail
PDF of Locations on the Live Oak Trail
Beautifully spoken word about the Tallahassee Live Oak Trail
Historic and Exceptional Specimen Trees located in Leon County Florida.
Leon Tree’s map of Historic and Exceptional SpecimenTrees. You will find information on historic and exceptional specimen trees in Tallahassee and Leon County Florida’s capitol. Click on the Logo above or HERE to go to the map.
Gallery of Oak Trees
- Willis Dairy
- Phipps Park
- Myers Park, Van Buren St.
- Lawrence Oak on Arvah Branch Blvd.
- Lake Lafayette & Piney Z Trail
- Lake Ella
- Lafayette Oaks by Lake
- Ellicot Drive, The Presence
- Doug Burnette Park
- Brill Point
- Entrance to Los Robles & Women’s Club
- School of Math & Science N. Monroe St.
- 700 block of Beard St.
- Strozier Library
- A certified oak on Paul Russel Rd
- Paul Russel Rd